Culinary Herbs
Dried Lavender Flowers – Edible Blooms for Your Kitchen Edible dried lavender originates from the flowers of Lavandula angustifolia, also known as English or true lavender. These flowers are meticulously...
Safflower Petals
Dried Safflower Petals (Carthamus tinctorius) – Your Natural Treasure Safflower (Carthamus tinctorius), known for its vibrant yellow and orange blossoms, has been cherished across cultures for centuries. Dried safflower petals...
Lemongrass is a tropical herb with a refreshing citrusy flavor and aroma. It is commonly used in cooking, as well as in tea blends, skincare products, and aromatherapy. Lemongrass has...
Moringa Powder
Unearth the Wonders of Pure Moringa Powder: Your Gateway to Vitality Step into a world of holistic health and rejuvenation with our exceptional Pure Moringa Powder. Sourced from the freshest...
Turmeric Powder
Unlock the Power of Turmeric: Your Path to WellnessIntroducing our premium Turmeric Powder, a vibrant and versatile spice that transcends the boundaries of your kitchen. Beyond its extraordinary flavor, it...
Spearmint is a refreshing and invigorating herb that has been used for centuries for its medicinal properties. Its cooling and soothing properties make it a popular ingredient in teas, chewing...
Marigold Flowers - Tagetes
Dried Marigold Flowers - Tagetes – Natural Beauty in Your Home Bring a touch of sunshine and natural charm into your life with dried marigold flowers (Tagetes patula L.). These...
French Lavender
Dried French Lavender Flowers – Edible Flowers for Your Kitchen Discover the versatility and natural beauty of dried French lavender flowers. These carefully selected blooms retain their unique aroma, flavor,...
Yarrow Herb
You've probably seen it many times without realizing how positive it can be for your body. Yarrow herb (Achillea millefolium) was already described in ancient Greece, and used by herbalists...
Peppermint is a hybrid mint, a cross between watermint and spearmint. Indigenous to Europe and the Middle East, the plant is now widely spread and cultivated in many regions of...
Ginger Root
Ginger (Zingiber officinale), its edible rhizome is a spice plant, known and valued for its unusual properties in many countries of the world. In Asia, it has been described in...
St. John's Wort Herb
St. John's Wort is a medicinal herb that has been used for centuries to treat a variety of health conditions. The herb is derived from a yellow-flowering plant that is...
- All Culinary Herbs
- Œillet d'Inde
- Abafado
- Absinth
- Absinthe
- Absinthe Suisse
- Absinthii Herba
- Absinthites
- Absinthium
- Achilee
- Achillea
- Achillea borealis
- Achillea lanulosa
- Achillea magna
- Achillea millefolium
- Achillée
- Achillée Boréale
- Achillée Laineuse
- Achillée Millefeuille
- Acuilee
- African Ginger
- African Marigold
- Afsantin
- Ajenjo
- Alazor
- Albahaca
- Alecrim
- Alhucema
- Allium ursinum
- Aloysia citrodora
- Aloysia triphylla
- Alvine
- Amarillo
- Amber
- Amber Touch-and-Heal
- American Saffron
- Amomum Zingiber
- Andropogon citratus
- Andropogon flexuosus
- Anicillo
- Apium crispum
- Apium petroselinum
- Arango
- Ardraka
- Armoise
- Armoise Absinthe
- Armoise Amère
- Armoise Commune
- Armoise Vulgaire
- Armoise Âcre
- Artemisia absinthium
- Artemisia dracunculus
- Artemisia glauca
- Artesian Absinthium
- Aztec Marigold
- baking lavender
- Band Man's Plaything
- Barbe de Bouc
- Barbe de Chèvre
- Barbe de Saint-Jean
- basil
- basil herb
- basil leaf
- basil leaves
- Basilic
- Basilic aux Sauces
- Basilic Commun
- Basilic Grand
- Basilic Grand Vert
- Basilic Romain
- Basilici Herba
- Bastard Saffron
- Bauchweh
- Bear's Garlic
- Behen
- Ben Ailé
- Ben Nut Tree
- Ben Oléifère
- Benibana
- Benibana Flower
- Benibana Oil
- Benzolive
- Bi Ba
- Bi Bo
- Big Marigold
- Birangasifa
- Birangasipha
- Biranjasipha
- Black Ginger
- Black Pepper
- Black Peppercorns
- Black Peppermint
- Bloodwort
- Brandy Mint
- Breckland Thyme
- Bridewort
- British Indian Lemongrass
- Broadleaf Sage
- Bumadaran
- Cana Santa
- Canéficier de l'Inde
- Capim-Cidrao
- Capim-Santo
- Carpenter's Weed
- Carthame
- Carthame des Teinturiers
- Carthamus tinctorius
- Carum petroselinum
- Cedrón
- Cempasuchi
- Ceylon Citronella Grass
- Chardon Panaché
- Chasse-diable
- Chinchilla Enana
- Chinese Parsley
- Chinto Borrego
- Cilantro
- Cimbopogone
- citronella
- Citrongräss
- Citronnelle
- Citronnelle de Ceylan
- Citronnelle de Java
- Citronnelle de Madagascar
- Citronnelle des Indes
- Civan Percemi
- Clarifier Tree
- Cochin Ginger
- Cochin Lemongrass
- Common Basil
- Common Lavender
- Common Parsley
- common sage
- Common Thyme
- Common Wormwood
- Common Yarrow
- Compass Plant
- Compass Weed
- cooking lavender
- coriander
- Coriander Essential Oil
- coriander herb
- coriander leaf
- coriander leaves
- Coriandre
- Coriandri Fructus
- Coriandrum sativum
- Cravo de Defunto
- Creeping Thyme
- culinary lavender
- culinary sage
- Curcuma
- Curcuma aromatica
- Curcuma domestica
- Curcumae longa
- Curcumae Longae Rhizoma
- Curcumin
- Curcumine
- Curcuminoïde
- Curcuminoïdes
- Curcuminoid
- Curcuminoids
- Curled Mint
- Cymbopogon citratus
- Cymbopogon flexuosus
- Cymbopogon nardis
- Cártamo
- Dalmatian Sage
- Demon Chaser
- Devil's Nettle
- Devil's Plaything
- Dhanyaka
- Dolloff
- Dragonne
- dried french lavender
- Dried Lavender
- Dropwort
- Drumstick Tree
- Dwarf Marigold
- dye
- Dyer's Saffron
- East Indian Lemongrass
- edible lavender
- Encensier
- English Lavender
- Erba Da Cartentieri
- Erba Da Falegname
- Essence de Marjolaine
- Estragon
- Extract of Mentha Piperita
- Extract of Peppermint
- Extract of Peppermint Leaves
- Extrait de Feuilles de Menthe de Poivrée
- Extrait de Mentha Piperita
- Extrait de Menthe Poivrée
- Fake Saffron
- false saffron
- Farigoule
- Farigoulette
- Fausse Spirée
- Feuille de la Bergère
- Feuille de Menthe Poivrée
- Fever Grass
- Field Mint
- Filipendula
- Filipendula ulmaria
- Filipendule
- Fish Mint
- Flor de Muerto
- french lavender
- French Marigold
- French Tarragon
- French Thyme
- Frigoule
- Fuga Daemonum
- Gan Jiang
- Gandana
- Garden Basil
- Garden Lavender
- Garden Marjoram
- Garden Mint
- Garden Parsley
- Garden Sage
- Garden Thyme
- Gartenmajoran
- Gemeine Schafgarbe
- Genda
- Gingembre
- Gingembre Africain
- Gingembre Cochin
- Gingembre Indien
- Gingembre Jamaïquain
- Gingembre Noir
- ginger
- Ginger Essential Oil
- ginger root
- Goatweed
- gochugaru pepper
- gochugaru red pepper
- Golden Sage
- Graine de Persil
- Grande Absinthe
- Grass Tea
- Green Arrow
- Green Fairy
- Green Ginger
- Green Mint
- Guatemala Lemongrass
- Halada
- Haldi
- Hamburg Parsley
- Hardhay
- Haridra
- Herb Louisa
- Herba Artemisae
- Herba Menthae
- Herbal tea
- Herbe au Dragon
- Herbe aux Charpentiers
- Herbe Aux Couronnes
- Herbe Aux Fées
- Herbe Aux Mille Vertus
- Herbe Aux Piqûres
- Herbe aux Vers
- Herbe Citron
- Herbe d'Absinthe
- Herbe de la Saint-Jean
- Herbe de Saint Éloi
- Herbe Dragon
- Herbe du Charpentier
- Herbe Militaire
- Herbe Percée
- Herbe Sacré
- Herbe Sainte
- Herbe à Dindes
- Herbe à la Brûlure
- Herbe à la Coupure
- Herbe à Mille Trous
- Hierba de Limón
- Hierba de San Juan
- Hierba Luisa
- Hierbabuena
- Hierbanis
- High Oleic Acid Safflower Oil
- Hing Hua
- Honghua
- Horseradish Tree
- Huacatay
- Huile de Carthame
- Huile de Marjolaine
- Huile de Mentha Piperita
- Huile de Menthe Poivrée
- Huile de Persil
- Huile de Thym
- Huile de Thym Blanc
- Huile de Thym Rouge
- Huile Essentielle d'Achillée
- Huile Essentielle de Coriandre
- Huile Essentielle de Gingembre
- Huile Essentielle de Lavande
- Huile Essentielle de Menthe Poivrée
- Huile Essentielle de Menthe Verte
- Huile Essentielle de Thym
- Hypereikon
- Hyperici Herba
- Hypericum perforatum
- Imber
- Indhana
- Indian Ginger
- Indian Horseradish
- Indian Saffron
- Iper
- Jaborandi Pepper
- Jacinto
- Jamaica Ginger
- Jengibre
- Jiang
- Jonc Odorant
- Kana
- Kankyo
- Kanshokyo
- Katzenkrat
- Kelor Tree
- Kitchen Sage
- Klamath Weed
- Knotted Marjoram
- korean pepper
- korean spices
- Koriander
- Kustumburi
- Kusum Phool
- Kusumbha
- Lady of the Meadow
- Lamb Mint
- Langer Pfeffer
- Lapsent
- lavanda
- Lavande
- Lavande Anglaise
- Lavande Commune
- Lavande des Alpes
- Lavande du Jardin
- Lavande Espagnole
- Lavande Fine
- Lavande Française
- Lavande Officinale
- Lavande Vraie
- Lavande à Feuilles Étroites
- Lavandula
- Lavandula angustifolia
- Lavandula dentate
- Lavandula latifolia
- Lavandula officinalis
- Lavandula pubescens
- Lavandula spica
- Lavandula stoechas
- Lavandula vera
- lavender
- Lavender Essential Oil
- leaves
- Lemon
- lemon balm
- Lemon Balm Tea
- lemon beebrush
- Lemon Grass
- Lemon Grass Stalk
- lemon grass tea
- lemon verbena
- Lemon-Scented Verbena
- Lemongrass
- Limon Out
- Limonaria
- Lindipipper
- Lippia citrodora
- Lippia triphylla
- Little Dragon
- Little Feather
- Long Pepper
- Long pepper 2-4cm from Central-Java
- Long Peppercorns
- Louisa
- M. Balsamea
- M. Balsamea Willd Extract
- Mackerel Mint
- Madagascar Lemongrass
- Madderwort
- Magadhi
- Magdhi
- Maggiorana
- Majoran
- Majorana Aetheroleum Oil
- Majorana Herb
- Majorana hortensis
- Majorana majorana
- Malunggay
- Marango
- Mardkouch
- Mariée de la Prairie
- Marjolaine
- Marjolaine des Jardins
- Marjolaine Ordinaire
- Marjolein
- marjoram
- Marjoram Essential Oil
- marjoram herb
- marjoram leaves
- Marjoram Oil
- Marubaka
- Marwa
- Meadow Queen
- Meadow Sage
- Meadow Sweet
- Meadow-Wart
- Mejorana
- Mejram
- Menta Pepperita
- Menta Piperita
- Menta Verde
- mentha
- Mentha Balsamea
- Mentha cordifolia
- Mentha crispa
- Mentha lavanduliodora
- Mentha Oil
- mentha piperita
- Mentha Piperita Extract
- Mentha Piperita Oil
- Mentha spicata
- Mentha viridis
- Mentha x piperita
- Menthae Piperitae Aetheroleum
- Menthae Piperitae Folium
- Menthe
- Menthe Crépue
- Menthe des Jardins
- Menthe Douce
- Menthe Frisée
- Menthe Poivrée
- Menthe Romaine
- Menthe Verte
- Menthe à Épis
- Menthol
- Menu Alvine
- Mexican Marigold
- Mexican Tarragon
- Mignotise des Genevois
- Milefolio
- Milenrama
- Milfoil
- Millefeuille
- Millefolii Flos
- Millefolii Herba
- Millefolium
- Millegoglie
- Millepertuis
- Millepertuis Perforé
- mint
- Mint Balm
- mint tea
- Mlonge
- Moringa oleifera
- Moringa pterygosperma
- Moringe de Ceylan
- Mother of Thyme
- Mugwort
- Mulangay
- Munjariki
- Murungakai
- Muster John Henry
- Nagara
- Narango
- Native Spearmint
- Nebeday
- Nisha
- Noble Yarrow
- Nosebleed
- Ocimum basilicum
- Oil of Peppermint
- Oil of Spearmint
- Oil of Thyme
- Old Man
- Old Man's Pepper
- Origan des Jardins
- Origan Marjolaine
- Origanum majorana
- Ostokhoddous
- Our Lady's Mint
- Pahari Pudina
- Paparaminta
- Paraíso Blanco
- parsley
- Parsley Fruit
- parsley herb
- parsley leaf
- parsley leaves
- Parsley Oil
- Parsley Root
- Parsley Seed
- Pepper
- Peppercorn
- Peppercorns
- Peppermint
- Peppermint Essential Oil
- Peppermint Extract
- Peppermint Leaf
- Peppermint Leaf Extract
- Peppermint Oil
- Perejil
- Pericon
- Perla de la India
- Persely
- Persil
- Persil Arabe
- Persil Chinois
- Persil Cultivé
- Persil de Naples
- Persil Frisé
- Persil Mexicain
- Persil Odorant
- Persil Plat
- Persin
- petal
- Petersylinge
- Petit Dragon
- Petite Reine
- Petroselini Fructus
- Petroselini Herba
- Petroselinum crispum
- Petroselinum hortense
- Petroselinum sativum
- Petroselinum vulgare
- Petrosilini Radix
- Pian Jiang Huang
- Pimenta-Longa
- Pimienta Larga
- Piper longum
- Pippali
- Pippli
- Plumajillo
- Pois Quénique
- Poivre Long
- Poivre Long d'Inde
- Poivre Long Indien
- Poivrier Long
- Poivrier Long d'Inde
- Polar Plant
- Pote
- Prajmoda
- Punaise Mâle
- Putiha
- Qing Hao
- Queen of the Meadow
- Race Ginger
- Racine de Curcuma
- Racine de Gingembre
- Racine de Gravier
- Racine de Persil
- Radix Curcumae
- Rajani
- Rajmari
- Raspberry Leaf
- Raspberry Tea
- Red
- Red Pepper
- Red Thyme Oil
- Reina de los Prados
- Reine de la Prairie
- Reine des Prés
- Rhizoma Cucurmae Longae
- Rhizoma Zingiberi
- Rhizoma Zingiberis
- Rhizoma Zingiberis Recens
- Rock Parsley
- Roga Mari
- Romarin
- Romarin Des Troubadours
- Romero
- root
- Rose d'Inde
- Rose de Marie
- Rose Des Marins
- Rosemarine
- rosemary
- rosemary herb
- rosemary leaf
- rosemary leaves
- Rosin Rose
- Rosmarinus officinalis
- Rosée De Mer
- Rubbed Thyme
- Rusmari
- Rusmary
- Safflower
- Safflower Nut Oil
- Safflower Oil
- safflower petals
- Safflower Seed Oil
- saffron
- Saffron Marigold
- Safran Bourbon
- Safran Bâtard
- Safran de Batallita
- Safran des Indes
- Safranon
- sage
- sage leaf
- Sage of Bethlehem
- sage tea
- Sahjna
- Saijan
- Saijhan
- Sajna
- Sakumau
- salvia
- Salvia lavandulaefolia
- Salvia officinalis
- San Jacinto
- Sanguinary
- Sauge
- Sauge Ananas
- Sauge des Prairies
- Sauge Divinatoire
- Sauge Divine
- Sauge Domestique
- Sauge Officinale
- Saynt Johannes Wort
- Scarlet Sage
- Sera
- Sereh
- Serpolet
- Serpyllum
- Shagara al Rauwaq
- Shen Jiang
- Sheng Jiang
- Shepherd's Thyme
- Shigru
- Shoga
- Shokyo
- Shunthi
- Soldier's Wound Wort
- Souci Africain
- Souci Aztèque
- Souci Français
- Souci Mexicain
- Sourcil de Vénus
- Spanish Lavender
- Spanish Sage
- Spanish Thyme
- spearmint
- Spearmint Essential Oil
- spearmint tea
- Spice
- Spike Lavender
- Spiraea ulmaria
- Spiraeae Flos
- Spire Mint
- Spireae Herba
- Spirée Ulmaire
- Squinant
- Srungavera
- St. Joseph's Wort
- St. Josephwort
- Staunchweed
- Stinking-Roger
- Sunth
- Sunthi
- Surasa
- Sweet Basil
- Sweet Marjoram
- Ta-Khraj
- Tagetes
- Tagète
- tarragon
- tarragon herb
- tarragon leaf
- tarragon leaves
- Tausendaugbram
- tea
- Tej-Sar
- Terebinto
- Thousand-Leaf
- Thym
- Thym Citron
- Thym Commun
- Thym de Bergère
- Thym des Jardins
- Thym Maraîcher
- Thym Sauvage
- Thym Serpolet
- Thym Vrai
- Thym Vulgaire
- Thym à Feuilles Étroites
- thyme
- Thyme Aetheroleum
- Thyme Essential Oil
- thyme herb
- thyme leaf
- thyme leaves
- Thyme Oil
- Thymi herba
- Thymus serpyllum
- Thymus vulgaris
- Thymus zygis
- Tipton Weed
- Tomillo
- Tomillo Silvestre
- Tree of Life
- True Lavender
- True Sage
- Turmeric Root
- Ulmaria
- Ushana
- Van Ajwayan
- Vanatulasi
- Vanya Yavani
- Varvara
- verbena
- Verbena Citrodora
- Verbena triphylla
- Verveine Citronnelle
- Verveine Citronnée
- Verveine des Indes
- Verveine du Chili
- Verveine du Pérou
- Verveine Indienne
- Verveine Odorante
- Vilayati Afsanteen
- Vishvabheshaja
- Vraie Sauge
- Wermut
- Wermutkraut
- West Indian Lemongrass
- Western Peppermint
- Western Wormwood
- White Thyme Oil
- whole ginger root
- whole root
- Wild Garlic
- Wound Wort
- Wurmkraut
- Yarrow Essential Oil
- Yerba Buena
- Yerbabuena
- Yu Jin
- Zacate Limon
- Zaffer
- Zafran
- Zappania citrodora
- Zingiber officinale
- Zingiberis Rhizoma
- Zingiberis Siccatum Rhizoma
- Zinzeberis
- Zinziber Officinale
- Zinziber Officinalis.
- Árbol de las Perlas