Cold & Infections
Boost your immune system with our range of herbs and spices for colds and infections. From immune-boosting ingredients like ginger, garlic, and turmeric, to soothing herbs like elderflower and lemon balm, our selection is designed to help you stay healthy. Whether you're looking for a tea to warm up on a cold day or a supplement to support your immune system, our cold and infections section has what you need to help you feel your best.
Dandelion Flowers - Limited Quantity
Dandelion Flowers - Taraxacum officinale- Hand picked at the right time- Air - Dried- Organic- 100% Natural- No GMO- No Preservatives- No Dyes- No Additives- Full of Love All products...
De €3,99
- Todos
- Œil-de-cheval
- Aarar
- Aaron's Rod
- Abafado
- Abahal
- Abhal
- Achilee
- Achillea
- Achillea borealis
- Achillea lanulosa
- Achillea magna
- Achillea millefolium
- Achillée
- Achillée Boréale
- Achillée Laineuse
- Achillée Millefeuille
- Acuilee
- Adam's Flannel
- African Ginger
- Alant
- Aloysia citrodora
- Aloysia triphylla
- Altea
- Alteia
- Althaea officinalis
- Althaea Radix
- Althaea taurinensis
- Althaeae Folium
- Althaeae Radi
- Althea
- Althée
- American Mullein
- Amomum Zingiber
- Andropogon citratus
- Andropogon flexuosus
- Anis
- Anis Vert
- anise
- Anise Essential Oil
- Anise Oil
- anise seeds
- Aniseed
- aniseeds
- Anisi Fructus
- Apothecary Rose
- Arar
- Arbre de Judas
- Ardraka
- Ass's Foot
- Aster helenium
- Aster officinalis
- Aunée
- Aunée Officinale
- Bai Qu Cai
- Baie de Genévrier
- Band Man's Plaything
- Barbary Fig
- Barbe de Bouc
- Barbe de Chèvre
- Barbe de Chèvre
- Barbotine
- Basswood
- Bauchweh
- Bee Pollen Extract
- Beggar's Blanket
- berries
- Birangasifa
- Birangasipha
- Biranjasipha
- Bitter Buttons
- Black Elder
- Black Ginger
- Black-Berried Alder
- Blanket Herb
- Blanket Leaf
- Bloodwort
- Blowball
- Blue Gum
- Blue Honeysuckle
- Blue Mallee
- Blue Mallee Oil
- Bois de Tilleul
- Boor Tree
- Bouillon Blanc
- Bouillon Jaune
- Bountry
- Brandlattich
- Breckland Thyme
- Bridewort
- British Indian Lemongrass
- British Tobacco
- Broadleaf Sage
- Broquebique
- Buckwheat Pollen
- Bullsfoot
- Bumadaran
- Buttons
- Cactus decumanus
- Cactus ficus-indica
- Cactus Flowers
- Cactus Fruit
- Cactus Pear Fruit
- Calendula Flowers
- Calendula officinalis
- Calendula Petals
- Calendule
- Caléndula
- Cana Santa
- Candleflower
- Candlewick Plant
- Cankerwort
- Capim-Cidrao
- Capim-Santo
- Carpenter's Weed
- cats
- cats claw
- Caulis Lonicerae Japonica
- Cedrón
- Celandine
- Celandine Herb
- Celandine Root
- Celidonia Mayor
- Ceylon Citronella Grass
- Chasse-Toux
- Chelidonii
- Chelidonii Herba
- Chelidonium majus
- Cherokee Rose
- Cherokee Rose Musquée
- Chinese Rosehip
- Chrysanthemi Vulgaris Flos
- Chrysanthemi Vulgaris Herba
- Chrysanthemum vulgare
- Chèvrefeuille
- Chèvrefeuille des Bois
- Chèvrefeuille des Haies
- Chèvrefeuille du Japon
- Cierge Cotonneux
- Cierge de Notre-Dame
- Cimbopogone
- Cistus
- Cistus creticus
- Cistus lusitanicus
- Cistus nummularius
- citronella
- Citrongräss
- Citronnelle
- Citronnelle de Ceylan
- Citronnelle de Java
- Citronnelle de Madagascar
- Citronnelle des Indes
- Civan Percemi
- claw
- Clot-Bur
- Clown's Lungwort
- Cochet
- Cochin Ginger
- Cochin Lemongrass
- Colt's Foot
- coltsfoot
- coltsfoot herb
- coltsfoot leaf
- coltsfoot leaves
- Common Dandelion
- Common Elder
- Common Juniper
- Common Marigold
- Common Mullein
- Common Olive
- Common Rock Rose
- common sage
- Common Thyme
- Common Yarrow
- Coq des Jardins
- Coughwort
- Couronne de Moine
- Cranquillier
- Creeping Thyme
- crushed
- Cuddy's Lungs
- culinary sage
- Curcuma
- Curcuma aromatica
- Curcuma domestica
- Curcumae longa
- Curcumae Longae Rhizoma
- Curcumin
- Curcumine
- Curcuminoïde
- Curcuminoïdes
- Curcuminoid
- Curcuminoids
- cut
- Cymbopogon citratus
- Cymbopogon flexuosus
- Cymbopogon nardis
- Cynorhodon
- Cynorhodons
- Cynosbatos
- Daisy
- Dalmatian Sage
- Damask Rose
- dandelion
- Dandelion Extract
- Dandelion Flowers
- Dandelion Herb
- Dandelion root
- Dent-de-Lion
- Devil's Nettle
- Devil's Plaything
- Diente de Leon
- Dog Rose
- Dog Rose Hips
- Dohn-e-Anisoon
- Dolloff
- Dried
- dried flowers
- dried linden
- dried linden flower
- Dropwort
- Dudal
- Duffle
- Délice Printanier
- East Indian Lemongrass
- elder
- elder flower
- elder tea
- elderberry
- elderberry flower
- Elderflower Tea
- Elderflowers
- Elfdock
- Elfwort
- Ellanwood
- Ellhorn
- Endive Sauvage
- Enebro
- English Garden Marigold
- Enule Campagne
- Erba Da Cartentieri
- Erba Da Falegname
- Erva dos Vermes
- Eucalipto
- Eucalypti Folium
- Eucalyptol
- Eucalyptol Oil
- eucalyptus
- Eucalyptus bicostata
- Eucalyptus blatter
- Eucalyptus camaldulensis
- Eucalyptus cinereal
- Eucalyptus dives
- Eucalyptus Essential Oil
- Eucalyptus fructicetorum
- Eucalyptus globulus
- Eucalyptus gunnii
- Eucalyptus Leaf
- eucalyptus leaves
- Eucalyptus microcorys
- Eucalyptus odorata
- Eucalyptus Oil
- Eucalyptus piperita
- Eucalyptus polybractea
- Eucalyptus pulverulenta
- Eucalyptus radiata
- Eucalyptus sideroxylon
- Eucalyptus smithii
- eucalyptus tea
- European Alder
- European Black Elder
- European Black Elderflower
- European Elder Flower
- European Elderflower
- European Linden
- European Mullein
- European Rock Rose
- Extract of Juniper
- Extrait de Genévrier
- Extrait de Pollen d'Abeille
- Farfarae Flos
- Farfarae Folium Leaf
- Farigoule
- Farigoulette
- Fausse Chicorée
- Fausse Spirée
- Faux Bouillon-Blanc
- Feltwort
- Feuille d'Olivier
- Feuille de la Bergère
- Feuille de Tilleul
- Feuille Séchée de Tilleul
- Fever Grass
- Fever Tree
- Fieberbaumblatter
- Fieldhove
- Figue d'Inde
- Figuier de Barbarie
- Filipendula
- Filipendula ulmaria
- Filipendule
- Filuis Ante Patrem
- fine cut
- Flannelflower
- Fleur de Calendule
- Fleur de Grand Chandelier
- Fleur de Miel
- Fleur de Sureau
- Fleur de Sureau Noir
- Fleur de Tilleul
- Fleur de Tous les Mois
- Fleur Séchée de Tilleul
- Flor de Saúco
- Florin d'Or
- Florion d'Or
- Flos Lonicerae
- Flos Sambuci
- Flower Velure
- Fluffweed
- Foal's Foot
- Foalswort
- French Thyme
- Frigoule
- Fructus Rosae Laevigatae
- Fruit de l'Oponce
- Fruit de l'Églantier
- Fruit du Cactus
- Gan Jiang
- Gandana
- Garden Marigold
- Garden Sage
- Garden Thyme
- Geel Zonneroosje
- Gemeine Schafgarbe
- Genievre
- Genévrier
- Genévrier Commun
- Ghasedak
- Gidar Tamaku
- Ginepro
- Gingembre
- Gingembre Africain
- Gingembre Cochin
- Gingembre Indien
- Gingembre Jamaïquain
- Gingembre Noir
- ginger
- Ginger Essential Oil
- ginger root
- Goat's Leaf
- Gold-Bloom
- Golden Sage
- Gordolobo
- Graine d'Anis Vert
- Grande Aunée
- Grande Chélidoine
- Grande Éclaire
- Grass Tea
- Great Mullein
- Greater Celandine
- Greater Celandine Above Ground Parts
- Greater Celandine Herb
- Greater Celandine Rhizome
- Greater Celandine Root
- Green Anise
- Green Arrow
- Green Olive
- Griffe du Chat
- Guatemala Lemongrass
- Guflatich
- Guimauve
- Guimauve Officinale
- Gulab
- Gulkhairo
- Gully Gum
- Gully Gum Oil
- Gum Tree
- Habbul
- Hag's Taper
- Halada
- Haldi
- Hallfoot
- Handroanthus impetiginosus
- Hapusha
- Hare's Beard
- Haridra
- Haskap
- Haut Bois
- Hautbois
- Havubair
- Havuber
- Havulber
- Havusa
- Hawk's Claw
- Hayusha
- Hedge Taper
- Helenio
- Helenium grandiflorum
- Heliantemo
- Helianthemum arcticum
- Helianthemum berterianum
- Helianthemum chamaecistus
- Helianthemum grandiflorum
- Helianthemum hirsutum
- Helianthemum nitidum
- Helianthemum nummularium
- Helianthemum obscurum
- Helianthemum ovatum
- Helianthemum pyrenaicum
- Helianthemum semiglabrum
- Helianthemum serpyllifolium
- Helianthemum tomentosum
- Helianthemum vulgare
- Helianto
- Heps
- Herb Louisa
- Herba Malvae
- Herba Taraxaci
- Herbal tea
- Herbe Am ère
- Herbe au Coq
- Herbe aux Charpentiers
- Herbe aux Pattes
- Herbe aux Verrues
- Herbe aux Vers
- Herbe Citron
- Herbe de Chartreux
- Herbe de Chèvre
- Herbe de Pentecôte
- Herbe de Saint-Fiacre
- Herbe de Saint-Guérin
- Herbe de Saint-Marc
- Herbe de Sainte-Marie
- Herbe du Bon Chasseur
- Herbe Militaire
- Herbe Sacré
- Herbe Saint Fiacre
- Herbe à Dindes
- Herbe à la Coupure
- Herbe à la Pentecôte
- Herbe à la Vierge
- Herbe à Verrues
- Hierba de Limón
- Hierba Luisa
- Higtaper
- Hind Heal
- hip
- Hip Fruit
- Hip Sweet
- Hipberry
- hips
- Holligold
- Honey Bee Pollen
- Honey Suckle
- Honeybee Pollen
- Honeysuckle Flower
- Honeysuckle Flowers
- Hop Fruit
- Horse-Elder
- Horsefoot
- Horseheal
- Horsehoof
- Hosh
- Huile d'Eucalyptol
- Huile d'Eucalyptus
- Huile de Baies de Genévrier
- Huile de Genévrier
- Huile de Thym
- Huile de Thym Blanc
- Huile de Thym Rouge
- Huile Essentielle d'Achillée
- Huile Essentielle d'Anis
- Huile Essentielle d'Eucalyptus
- Huile Essentielle de Gingembre
- Huile Essentielle de Thym
- Hungarian Silver Linden
- Imber
- Indian Elecampane
- Indian Fig
- Indian Fig Prickly Pear
- Indian Ginger
- Indian Saffron
- Indien Figue
- Inula
- Inula helenium
- Inule Aulnée
- Inule Aunée
- Inule Hélénie
- Ipe
- Ipe Roxo
- Iper
- Ipes
- Jacob's Staff
- Jaitun
- Jamaica Ginger
- Japanese Honeysuckle
- Jengibre
- Jiang
- Jin Yin Hua
- Jin Yin Zi
- Jinyingzi
- Jinyinhua
- Jonc Odorant
- juniper
- juniper berries
- Juniper Berry
- Juniper Berry Oil
- Juniper Extract
- Juniper Oil
- Juniperi Fructus
- Juniperus communis
- Kankyo
- Kanshokyo
- Katzenkrat
- Kitchen Sage
- Kuandong Hua
- Kwandong Hwa
- la pacho
- Ladanum
- Lady of the Meadow
- Lady's Foxglove
- Laitue de Chien
- lapacho
- Lapacho Colorado
- Lapacho Morado
- Lapacho Negro
- lapacho tea
- leaf
- leaves
- Lemon
- lemon balm
- Lemon Balm Tea
- lemon beebrush
- Lemon Grass
- Lemon Grass Stalk
- lemon grass tea
- lemon verbena
- Lemon-Scented Verbena
- Lemongrass
- Leontodon taraxacum
- Liane du Pérou
- Life-giving Vine of Peru
- Lime Blossom
- Lime Flower
- Lime Tree
- Limon Out
- Limonaria
- Linden Charcoal
- Linden Dried Flower
- Linden Dried Leaf
- Linden Dried Sapwood
- Linden Flower
- Linden Leaf
- linden leaf and flower
- Linden Sapwood
- linden tea
- Linden Wood
- Lion's Teeth
- Lion's Tooth
- Lippia citrodora
- Lippia triphylla
- Little Feather
- Longwort
- Lonicera
- Lonicera aureoreticulata
- Lonicera bournei
- Lonicera caprifolia
- Lonicera japonica
- Lonicerae Japonicae
- Louisa
- Lébène
- Madagascar Lemongrass
- Madreselva
- Mallards
- Mallow
- Mallow Root
- Malvavisco
- Manzanilla Olive Fruit
- marigold
- Marigold Flower
- Marigold Petals
- Mariée de la Prairie
- Marsh Maillo
- Marshmallow
- Marshmallow Root
- Marybud
- Matsyagandha
- Mauve Blanche
- Meadow Queen
- Meadow Sage
- Meadow Sweet
- Meadow-Wart
- Mignotise des Genevois
- Milefolio
- Milenrama
- Milfoil
- Millefeuille
- Millefolii Flos
- Millefolii Herba
- Millefolium
- Millegoglie
- Molène
- Molène Bouillon-Blanc
- Molène Faux-Phlomis
- Molène Thapsus
- Molène à Grandes Fleurs
- Mortification Root
- Mother of Thyme
- muellin
- muellin flowers
- Mullein
- Mullein Flowers
- Mullein Tea
- Nagara
- Nindo
- Nisha
- Noble Yarrow
- Nopal
- Nopal Cactus
- Nopales
- Nopol
- Nosebleed
- Oil of Juniper
- Oil of Thyme
- Old Man's Flannel
- Old Man's Pepper
- Oleae Folium
- Olive Fruit
- Olive Fruit Pulp
- Olive Leaf
- Olive Pulp
- Olives
- Olivo
- Oponce
- Opuntia
- Opuntia albicarpa
- Opuntia amyclaea
- Opuntia cordobensis
- Opuntia decumana
- Opuntia ficus
- Opuntia ficus-barbarica
- Opuntia ficus-indica
- Opuntia gymnocarpa
- Opuntia hispanica
- Opuntia joconostle
- Opuntia maxima
- Opuntia megacantha
- Opuntia paraguayensis
- Orange Mullein
- Oreille de Loup
- Oreille de Saint Cloud
- Our Lady's Flannel
- Padma Beeja
- Palash
- Parsley Fern
- Parties Aériennes de la Grande Chélidoine
- Pas d'Ane
- Pas Diane
- Pas-de-Baudet
- pau d arco
- Persian Rose
- Peruvian Liana
- Petite Reine
- Pferdefut
- Phool Gulab
- Phyto-Œstrogène
- Phytoestrogen
- Pian Jiang Huang
- Pied-de-Cheval
- Pimpinella anisum
- Pinella
- Pink Rose
- Pink Trumpet Tree
- Piss-a-bed
- Pisse au Lit
- Pissenlit
- Pissenlit Vulgaire
- Plisson
- Plumajillo
- Poire d'oiseaux
- Pot Marigold
- Pote
- Prickly Pear
- Priest's Crown
- Procheton
- Provence Rose
- Pu Gong Ying
- Pulpe d'Olive
- Purple Lapacho
- Périclymène
- Quebracho
- Queen of the Meadow
- Queue de Loup
- Race Ginger
- Racine de Chélidoine
- Racine de Curcuma
- Racine de Gingembre
- Racine de Grande Chélidoine
- Racine de Gravier
- Racine de Guimauve
- Radix
- Radix Curcumae
- Radix Taraxaci
- Rag Paper
- Rajani
- Rajmari
- Red Gum
- Red Lapacho
- Red Thyme Oil
- Red-Seed Dandelion
- Reina de los Prados
- Reine de la Prairie
- Reine des Prés
- Ren Dong
- Rhizoma Cucurmae Longae
- Rhizoma Zingiberi
- Rhizoma Zingiberis
- Rhizoma Zingiberis Recens
- Rhizome de Chélidoine
- Rhizome de la Grande Chélidoine
- Roga Mari
- root
- Rosa alba
- Rosa canina
- Rosa centifolia
- Rosa cherokeensis
- Rosa chinensis
- Rosa damascena
- Rosa de Castillo
- Rosa gallica
- Rosa laevigata
- Rosa lutetiana
- Rosa moschata
- Rosa mosqueta
- Rosa Mosqueta Cherokee
- Rosa pomifera
- Rosa provincialis
- Rosa rubiginosa
- Rosa rugosa
- Rosa villosa
- Rosae Pseudofructus Cum Semen
- Rose
- Rose de Provins
- Rose des Apothicaires
- Rose Haw
- Rose Hep
- Rose Hips
- Rose Rouge de Lancaster
- rosehip
- rosehip shells
- rosehip tea
- rosehips
- rosehips tea
- Rosier de Provence
- Rosier des Cherokees
- Rubbed Thyme
- Safran Bourbon
- Safran de Batallita
- Safran des Indes
- sage
- sage leaf
- sage tea
- Sakumau
- Salade de Taupe
- salvia
- Salvia lavandulaefolia
- Salvia officinalis
- Sambuc
- Sambucus
- Sambucus Flos
- sambucus nigra
- Sambucus Nigra Flos
- Samento
- Sanguinary
- Satapatri
- Satapatrika
- Sauge
- Sauge Ananas
- Sauge des Prairies
- Sauge Divinatoire
- Sauge Divine
- Sauge Domestique
- Sauge Officinale
- Saute-Buisson
- Scabwort
- Scarlet Sage
- Scented Fern
- Schollkraut
- seeds
- Semen Anisi
- Sent-Bon
- Sera
- Sereh
- Serpolet
- Serpyllum
- Seuillon
- Shatpari
- Shatpushpa
- shells
- Shen Jiang
- Sheng Jiang
- Shepherd's Club
- Shepherd's Staff
- Shepherd's Thyme
- Shoga
- Shokyo
- Shunthi
- Silver Lime
- Silver linden
- Small-Leaved Lime
- Soldier's Wound Wort
- Souci des Champs
- Souci des Jardins
- Souci des Vignes
- Souci Officinal
- Sourcil de Vénus
- Spanish Sage
- Spanish Thyme
- Spice
- Spineless Cactus
- Spiraea ulmaria
- Spiraeae Flos
- Spireae Herba
- Spirée Ulmaire
- Squinant
- Srungavera
- Staunchweed
- Stinking Willie
- Stringy Bark Tree
- Sugandhapatra
- Suikazura
- Sunth
- Sunthi
- Sureau Commun
- Sureau Noir
- Sussier
- Swallow Wort
- Sweet Cumin
- Sweet Elder
- Sweet Weed
- Swine Snout
- Ta-Khraj
- Tabac du Diable
- Tabebuia avellanedae
- Tabebuia heptaphylla
- Tabebuia impetiginosa
- Tabebuia palmeri
- Taconnet
- Taheebo
- Taheebo Tea
- Tailapatra
- Tallowweed
- Tanaceto
- Tanacetum boreale
- Tanacetum vulgare
- Tanaisie
- Tanaisie Commune
- Tanaisie Vulgaire
- Tansy
- Tansy Flower
- Tansy Herb
- Tansy Herb Cut
- Taraxaci Herba
- Taraxacum
- Taraxacum dens-leonis
- Taraxacum laevigatum
- Taraxacum mongolicum
- Taraxacum officinale
- Taraxacum sinicum
- Taraxacum vulgare
- Tasmanian Blue Gum
- Tausendaugbram
- tea
- Tecoma impetiginosa
- Tej-Sar
- Tetterwort
- Thousand-Leaf
- Thym
- Thym Citron
- Thym Commun
- Thym de Bergère
- Thym des Jardins
- Thym Maraîcher
- Thym Sauvage
- Thym Serpolet
- Thym Vrai
- Thym Vulgaire
- Thym à Feuilles Étroites
- thyme
- Thyme Aetheroleum
- Thyme Essential Oil
- thyme herb
- thyme leaf
- thyme leaves
- Thyme Oil
- Thymi herba
- Thymus serpyllum
- Thymus vulgaris
- Thymus zygis
- Thé Taheebo
- Tila
- Tilia argentea
- Tilia cordata
- Tilia europaea
- Tilia grandifolia
- Tilia parvifolia
- Tilia platyphyllos
- Tilia rubra
- Tilia tomentosa
- Tilia ulmifolia
- Tilia vulgaris
- Tiliae flos
- Tiliae folium
- Tiliae lignum
- Tilleul
- Tilleul d'Europe
- Tilleul d'Hiver
- Tilleul des Bois
- Tilleul Mâle
- Tilleul Sauvage
- Tilleul à Feuilles en Coelig;ur
- Tilleul à Grandes Feuilles
- Tilleul à Petites Feuilles
- Tilo
- Tomillo
- Tomillo Silvestre
- Torch Weed
- Torches
- True Sage
- Trumpet Bush
- Tuna Cactus
- Turmeric Root
- Tussilage
- Tussilage Pas d'Âne
- Tussilago farfara
- Tête de Moine
- Ulmaria
- Uncaria guianensis
- Uncaria tomentosa
- Uña de Caballo
- Uña de Gato
- Van Ajwayan
- Vanya Yavani
- Velaiti Saunf
- Velvet Dock
- Velvet Plant
- Verbasci Flos
- Verbascum
- Verbascum densiflorum
- Verbascum phlomides
- Verbascum thapsiforme
- Verbascum thapsus
- verbena
- Verbena Citrodora
- Verbena triphylla
- Verruguera
- Verveine Citronnelle
- Verveine Citronnée
- Verveine des Indes
- Verveine du Chili
- Verveine du Pérou
- Verveine Indienne
- Verveine Odorante
- vilcacora
- Vishvabheshaja
- Vraie Sauge
- Wacholderbeeren
- West Indian Lemongrass
- White Man's Footsteps
- White Rose
- White Thyme Oil
- whole
- whole ginger root
- whole root
- Wild Boar Fruit
- Wild Endive
- Wild Ice Leaf
- Wild Sunflower
- Woodbine
- Woolen
- Woolly Mullein
- Wound Wort
- Wymote
- Yarrow Essential Oil
- yellow flowers
- Yellow Starwort
- Yu Jin
- Zacate Limon
- Zappania citrodora
- Zergul
- Zimbro
- Zingiber officinale
- Zingiberis Rhizoma
- Zingiberis Siccatum Rhizoma
- Zinzeberis
- Zinziber Officinale
- Zinziber Officinalis.
- Ébène Vert
- Ébénier de Guyane
- Églantier