Herbal Tea
Damask Rose Petals
Introducing dry Damask rose petals, a luxurious and versatile ingredient that can elevate your culinary creations, skincare routine, and tea experience. These fragrant and delicate petals are a staple in...
Deep Pink Rose Buds Large
Introducing our dried Deep Pink Rose Buds Large, a fragrant and visually stunning addition to your culinary creations, tea blends, and DIY beauty products. These large rose buds are carefully...
Deep Pink Rose Buds Small
Introducing our dried Deep Pink Rose Buds Small, a delicate and visually stunning addition to your culinary creations, tea blends, and DIY beauty products. These small rose buds are carefully...
Golden Red Rose Buds
Golden red rose buds are not only aesthetically pleasing, but they also have numerous health benefits. Here are some of the benefits of consuming dry golden red rose buds: Immune...
Pink Rose Buds
Pink rose buds are a must-have for any tea lover. Not only do they add a beautiful touch of color and aroma to any tea blend, but they also offer...
Rose Corolla
Rose corolla flowers are a popular ingredient in teas and other beverages due to their pleasant aroma and taste. They are derived from the fragrant, colorful flowers of the rose...
Rose Corolla Golden
Rose Corolla Golden is a type of dried rose flower that is prized for its unique color and fragrance. It is a popular ingredient in teas, herbal infusions, and potpourri...
Rosehip Shells
Rosehip shells are the fruit of the wild rose plant, which is commonly found in various parts of the world. These shells are loaded with a range of nutrients and...
Rosehips Fine Cut
Rosehips Fine Cut is a versatile and nutritious ingredient that has gained popularity in the health food industry in recent years. These fine cut pieces of dried rosehips are packed...
Rosehips Whole
Rosehips are the fruit of the rose plant, and are often used in herbal teas and other natural remedies due to their numerous health benefits. Whole rosehips are the complete...
Yellow Rose Buds
Yellow rose buds are a type of dried rosebud that can be used in various applications. These buds have a beautiful golden yellow hue that adds a pop of color...
- Tout
- Œillet d'Inde
- Abilde
- Absinth
- Absinthe
- Absinthe Suisse
- Absinthii Herba
- Absinthites
- Absinthium
- Achilee
- Achillea
- Achillea borealis
- Achillea lanulosa
- Achillea magna
- Achillea millefolium
- Achillée
- Achillée Boréale
- Achillée Laineuse
- Achillée Millefeuille
- Acide Glycyrrhizinique
- Acide Glycyrrhizique
- Acore Calame
- Acore Odorant
- Acore Olorant
- Acore Roseau
- Acorus americanus
- Acorus asiaticus
- Acorus calamus
- Acorus gramineus
- Acorus Roseau
- Acorus tatarinowii
- Acorus terrestris
- Acuilee
- African Ginger
- African Marigold
- Afsantin
- Ajenjo
- Alcacuz
- Alcazuz
- Alcea rosea
- Alcée Rose
- Alexandrian Senna
- Alexandrinische Senna
- All-Heal
- Almindelig Aeble
- Altea
- Alteia
- Althaea ficifolia
- Althaea officinalis
- Althaea Radix
- Althaea rosea
- Althaea taurinensis
- Althaeae Folium
- Althaeae Radi
- Althea
- Althea Rose
- Althée
- Alvine
- Amantilla
- Amarillo
- Amber
- Amber Touch-and-Heal
- American Angelica
- Amomum Zingiber
- Anardana
- Anemopaegma arvense
- Anemopaegma mirandrum
- Angel's Wort
- Angelica
- Angelica acutiloba
- Angelica Archangelica
- Angelica atropurpurea
- Angelica curtisi
- Angelica officinalis
- Angelica Root
- Angelica Root Tea
- Angelica sylvestris
- Angelicae
- Angelicae Fructus
- Angelicae Herba
- Angelicae Radix
- Angélique
- Angélique Archangélique
- Angélique Cultivée
- Angélique de Bohème
- Angélique des Jardins
- Angélique Médicinale
- Angélique Officinale
- Angélique Sauvage
- Angélique Vraie
- Anicillo
- Apfel
- Apfelbaum
- Apple
- Apple Blossom
- Apple Blossom Buds
- Apple Brew
- Apple Flowers
- Apple Tea
- Apple Tree
- Archangel
- Archangelica officinalis
- Archangélique
- Arctium
- Arctium lappa
- Arctium minus
- Arctium tomentosum
- Ardraka
- Armoise
- Armoise Absinthe
- Armoise Amère
- Armoise Commune
- Armoise Vulgaire
- Arrow Bamboo
- Artemisia absinthium
- Artesian Absinthium
- Aruna
- Arundinaria japonica
- Aspalathus contaminatus
- Aspalathus linearis
- Ass's Foot
- Aubepine
- Aubépine Blanche
- Aubépine Épineuse
- Aztec Marigold
- Bach
- Bai Zhi
- Bajai
- Baje
- Baldrian
- Baldrianwurzel
- Bamboo
- Bamboo Leaf Extract
- Bamboo Leaves
- Bambou
- Bambou du Japon
- Bambou Flèche
- Bambou Métaké
- Bambú
- Band Man's Plaything
- Barbe de Bouc
- Barbe de Chèvre
- Barbe de Chèvre
- Barbe de Saint-Jean
- Barbotine
- Bardana
- Bardana-minor
- Bardanae Radix
- Bardane
- Bardane Comestible
- Bardane Géante
- Bardane Majeure
- Bauchweh
- Beggar's Buttons
- Belgium Valerian
- Belle-Angélique
- Bhutanashini
- Bianco Spino
- Bichu
- Big Marigold
- Birangasifa
- Birangasipha
- Biranjasipha
- Bitter Buttons
- Black Ginger
- Bloodwort
- Blowball
- Blue Honeysuckle
- Bois de Mai
- Bois Doux
- Bois Sucré
- Borbonia pinifolia
- Brandlattich
- Breckland Thyme
- Bridewort
- British Tobacco
- Broquebique
- Bullsfoot
- Bumadaran
- Burdock
- Burdock Root
- Burdock Root Extract
- Burr Seed
- butterflu pea tea
- butterfly
- butterfly pea flower
- butterfly-pea
- Buttons
- calami
- calami rhizoma
- Calamo Aromatic
- Calamus
- Calamus Rhizome
- Calamus Root
- Can Cao
- Canda
- Cankerwort
- Caramuru
- Carpenter's Weed
- Casse
- Cassia acutifolia
- Cassia angustifolia
- Cassia lanceolata
- Cassia senna
- Catalonina Jasmine
- Catigua
- cats
- cats claw
- Catuaba
- Catuaba Bark
- Catuaba Casca
- Caulis Lonicerae Japonica
- Cempasuchi
- Cenellier
- Chamomile
- Chamomile Flowers
- Chasse-diable
- Chasse-Toux
- Chinchilla Enana
- Chinese Hawthorn
- Chinese Licorice
- Chrysanthemi Vulgaris Flos
- Chrysanthemi Vulgaris Herba
- Chrysanthemum vulgare
- Chuchuhuasha
- Chèvrefeuille
- Chèvrefeuille des Bois
- Chèvrefeuille des Haies
- Chèvrefeuille du Japon
- Cinnamon Sedge
- Cistus
- Cistus creticus
- Cistus lusitanicus
- Cistus nummularius
- Civan Percemi
- claw
- Clitoria
- Clitoria ternatea
- Clotbur
- Cochet
- Cochin Ginger
- Cockle Buttons
- Cocklebur
- coffeine free
- Colt's Foot
- coltsfoot
- coltsfoot herb
- coltsfoot leaf
- coltsfoot leaves
- Common Dandelion
- Common Hollyhock
- Common Jasmine
- Common Nettle
- Common Rock Rose
- Common Valerian
- Common Wormwood
- Common Yarrow
- confetti
- Coq des Jardins
- cough
- Coughwort
- Couronne de Moine
- Cranquillier
- Crataegi Flos
- Crataegi Folium
- Crataegi Folium Cum Flore
- Crataegi Fructus
- Crataegus cuneata
- Cravo de Defunto
- Creeping Thyme
- Cálamo
- Daisy
- dandelion
- Dandelion Extract
- Dandelion Herb
- Dandelion root
- Dang Gui
- Deep Pink
- Deep Pink Rose
- Deep Pink Rose Buds Small
- Deglycyrrhized Licorice
- Demon Chaser
- Dent-de-Lion
- Devil's Nettle
- Devil's Plaything
- Diente de Leon
- Dolloff
- dried flowers
- Dried Jasmine
- Dried Rose Flowers
- dried roses
- Dropwort
- dry jasmine
- Du Huo
- Dudal
- Dwarf Marigold
- Délice Printanier
- East European Licorice
- Eble
- Echter Apfelbaum
- Ecuadorian Sarsaparilla
- Edible Burdock
- Endive Sauvage
- English Hawthorn
- Epine Blanche
- Epine de Mai
- Erba Da Cartentieri
- Erba Da Falegname
- Erva dos Vermes
- Erythroxylum catuaba
- Erythroxylum vacciniifolium
- Espino Blanco
- European Angelica
- European Rock Rose
- Fan Xie Ye
- Farfarae Flos
- Farfarae Folium Leaf
- Fausse Chicorée
- Fausse Spirée
- Feuille d’Ortie
- Fieldhove
- Filipendula
- Filipendula ulmaria
- Filipendule
- Filuis Ante Patrem
- Flag Root
- Flagroot
- Fleur de Miel
- Flor de Muerto
- Florin d'Or
- Florion d'Or
- Flos Lonicerae
- Flower Velure
- Foal's Foot
- Foalswort
- Fox's Clote
- Fragrant Valerian
- French Marigold
- Fructus Crataegi
- Fuga Daemonum
- Gan Cao
- Gan Jiang
- Gan Zao
- Gandana
- Garden Angelica
- Garden Heliotrope
- Garden Thyme
- Garden Valerian
- Geel Zonneroosje
- Gemeine Schafgarbe
- Genda
- Ghasedak
- Gingembre
- Gingembre Africain
- Gingembre Cochin
- Gingembre Indien
- Gingembre Jamaïquain
- Gingembre Noir
- ginger
- Ginger Essential Oil
- ginger root
- Ginseng
- Glabra
- Gladdon
- Glouteron
- Glycyrrhiza
- Glycyrrhiza echinate
- glycyrrhiza glabra
- Glycyrrhiza glabra glandulifera
- Glycyrrhiza glabra typica
- Glycyrrhiza glabra violacea
- Glycyrrhiza glandulifera
- Glycyrrhiza Radix
- Glycyrrhiza uralensis
- Glycyrrhizae
- Glycyrrhizic Acid
- Glycyrrhizinic Acid
- Goat's Leaf
- Goatweed
- Gobo
- Golden Red Rose
- Golden Red Rose Buds
- Golden Trumpet
- Golomi
- Graine d’Ortie
- Grande Absinthe
- Grande Bardane
- Grande Ortie
- Grande Valériane
- Grass Myrtle
- Grass-Leaf Sweetflag
- Gray Sarsaparilla
- Great Bur
- Great Burdocks
- Great Stinging Nettle
- Green Arrow
- Green Fairy
- Green Ginger
- Green Red Bush
- Green Tea
- Griffe du Chat
- Guflatich
- Guimauve
- Guimauve Officinale
- Gulkhairo
- Guérit Tout
- Haagdorn
- Hagedorn
- Hallfoot
- Happy Major
- Hardhay
- Hardock
- Harebur
- Harthorne
- Haskap
- Haw
- Hawk's Claw
- Hawthrone
- Hedgethorn
- Heliantemo
- Helianthemum arcticum
- Helianthemum berterianum
- Helianthemum chamaecistus
- Helianthemum grandiflorum
- Helianthemum hirsutum
- Helianthemum nitidum
- Helianthemum nummularium
- Helianthemum obscurum
- Helianthemum ovatum
- Helianthemum pyrenaicum
- Helianthemum semiglabrum
- Helianthemum serpyllifolium
- Helianthemum tomentosum
- Helianthemum vulgare
- Helianto
- Herba Artemisae
- Herba Malvae
- Herba Taraxaci
- Herbal
- herbal tea
- Herbe Am ère
- Herbe au Coq
- Herbe aux Anges
- Herbe aux Charpentiers
- Herbe aux Chats
- Herbe aux Coupures
- Herbe Aux Fées
- Herbe Aux Mille Vertus
- Herbe aux Pattes
- Herbe Aux Piqûres
- Herbe aux Teigneux
- Herbe aux Vers
- Herbe d'Absinthe
- Herbe de Chartreux
- Herbe de Chèvre
- Herbe de la Saint-Jean
- Herbe de Notre-Dame
- Herbe de Pentecôte
- Herbe de Saint Éloi
- Herbe de Saint-Georges
- Herbe de Saint-Guérin
- Herbe de Saint-Marc
- Herbe de Sainte-Marie
- Herbe du Bon Chasseur
- Herbe du Charpentier
- Herbe du Loup
- Herbe du Saint-Esprit
- Herbe du Teigneux
- Herbe Militaire
- Herbe Percée
- Herbe Sainte
- Herbe à Dindes
- Herbe à la Brûlure
- Herbe à la Coupure
- Herbe à la Femme Meurtrie
- Herbe à la Pentecôte
- Herbe à la Vierge
- Herbe à Mille Trous
- Hierba de San Juan
- Hierbanis
- Hind Heal
- Hollyhock
- Hollyhock Flower
- Honduras Sarsaparilla
- Honey Suckle
- Honeysuckle Flower
- Honeysuckle Flowers
- Horsefoot
- Horsehoof
- Huacatay
- Huile Essentielle d'Achillée
- Huile Essentielle de Gingembre
- Hypereikon
- Hyperici Herba
- Hypericum perforatum
- Hélianthème Commun
- Hélianthème Jaune
- Hélianthème Nummulaire
- Hélianthème Sombre
- Hélianthème Tomenteux
- Hélianthème à Feuilles Arrondies
- Hélianthème à Grandes Fleurs
- Iabloko
- Iablonia
- Ikshuparni
- Imber
- Indhana
- Indian Ginger
- Indian Sarsaparilla
- Indian Senna
- Indian Valerian
- Infusion Rooibos
- Iper
- Isoflavone
- Italian Jasmine
- Jablon Domáca
- Jamaica Ginger
- Jamaican Sarsaparilla
- Japanese Honeysuckle
- jasm
- jasmin
- Jasmin Blanc
- Jasmin Commun
- Jasmin d'Espagne
- Jasmin Officinal
- Jasmin Royal
- Jasmin à Grandes Fleurs
- jasmine
- Jasmine Buds
- jasmine flowers
- Jasmine Petals
- jasmine tea
- Jasminum grandiflorum
- Jasminum officinale
- Jati
- Jatila
- Jazmín
- Jazmín Silvestre
- Jengibre
- Jethi-Madh
- Jiang
- Jin Yin Hua
- Jinyinhua
- Kaffree Tea
- Kalmoeswortel
- Kalmus
- Kankyo
- Kanshokyo
- Kanzo
- Katzenkrat
- Khartoum Senna
- Klamath Weed
- Kuandong Hua
- kuding
- kuding dea
- kuding herbal tea
- Kultur-Apfel
- Kwandong Hwa
- Ladanum
- Lady of the Meadow
- Laitue de Chien
- Lakritze
- Lappa
- Lapsent
- Leaves
- lemon balm
- Lemon Balm Tea
- Leontodon taraxacum
- Liane du Pérou
- Licorice
- Licorice Root
- Life-giving Vine of Peru
- Lion's Teeth
- Lion's Tooth
- Liquiritiae Radix
- Liquirizia
- Liquorice
- Liquorice Root
- Liseron Piquant
- Liseron Épineux
- Little Feather
- Lomasha
- Lonicera
- Lonicera aureoreticulata
- Lonicera bournei
- Lonicera caprifolia
- Lonicera japonica
- Lonicerae Japonicae
- Love Leaves
- Maceira
- Macieira
- Madderwort
- Madreselva
- Mallards
- mallow
- Mallow Root
- mallow tea
- Malus domestica
- Malus malus
- Malus pumila
- Malus sylvestris
- Malva
- Malva Flower
- Malvae Arboreae Flos
- Malvavisco
- Manzana
- Manzano
- Mariée de la Prairie
- Marsh Maillo
- Marshmallow
- Marshmallow Root
- Mauve Blanche
- May
- Maybush
- Maythorn
- Maça
- Maçanzeira
- Meadow Queen
- Meadow Sweet
- Meadow-Wart
- Mehlbeebaum
- Meidorn
- Mela
- Melisa
- Melissa
- Melo
- Menu Alvine
- Mespilus laevigata
- Mexican Marigold
- Mexican Sarsaparilla
- Mexican Tarragon
- Mexican Valerian
- Milefolio
- Milenrama
- Milfoil
- Millefeuille
- Millefolii Flos
- Millefolii Herba
- Millefolium
- Millegoglie
- Millepertuis
- Millepertuis Perforé
- mint balm
- Mortification Root
- Mother of Thyme
- Mulathi
- Mulethi
- Muster John Henry
- Myrtle Flag
- Myrtle Sedge
- Nagara
- Nan Shanzha
- Nettle
- Nettle Leaf
- Nettle Radix
- Nettle Seed
- Nettle Worth
- Nettles
- Nindo
- Niu Bang Zi
- Niubang
- Noble Yarrow
- Noble Épine
- Nosebleed
- Old Man's Pepper
- Oneseed Hawthorn
- Orelha-de-gigante
- Orozuz
- Ortie
- Ortie Brûlante
- Ortie des Jardins
- Ortie Dioïque
- Ortie Méchante
- Ortiga
- Pacific Valerian
- Paratiisiomena
- Parsley Fern
- Pas d'Ane
- Pas Diane
- Pas-de-Baudet
- Passerose
- Pau de Reposta
- Peppermint
- Pericon
- Personata
- Peruvian Liana
- petals
- Petite Reine
- Pferdefut
- Philanthropium
- Phyto-œstrogène
- Phytoestrogen
- Pied-de-Cheval
- Ping Guo
- Pink buds
- Pink Flowers
- Pink rose
- Pink Rose Buds
- Pink Rose Flowers
- Pink Roses
- Piratancara
- Piss-a-bed
- Pisse au Lit
- Pissenlit
- Pissenlit Vulgaire
- Plisson
- Plumajillo
- Poet's Jessamine
- Poire d'Oiseaux
- Pomme
- Pommier
- Pommier Commun
- Pomo
- Priest's Crown
- Procheton
- Pseudosasa japonica
- Psoralea linearis
- Pu Gong Ying
- Pyrus malus
- Périclymène
- Qing Hao
- Queen of the Meadow
- Race Ginger
- Racine de Gingembre
- Racine de Gravier
- Racine de Guimauve
- Racine de Réglisse
- Racine Douce
- Racine du Saint Esprit
- Radix
- Radix Angelicae
- Radix Angelicae Pubescentis
- Radix Eleutherococci
- Radix Glycyrrhizae
- Radix Taraxaci
- Rajmari
- Red Bush
- Red Bush Tea
- Red Rose Buds
- Red Roses
- Red-Seed Dandelion
- Regaliz
- Reglisse
- Regliz
- Reina de los Prados
- Reine de la Prairie
- Reine des Prés
- Ren Dong
- Rhizoma Zingiberi
- Rhizoma Zingiberis
- Rhizoma Zingiberis Recens
- Rhizome de Valériane
- Rhubarbe du Diable
- Ringo
- Roga Mari
- Rooibos
- Rooibos Rouge
- Rooibos Tea
- root
- Root of the Holy Ghost
- Rose
- Rose Buds Small
- Rose Corolla
- Rose Corolla Golden
- Rose d'Inde
- Rose de Mer
- Rose Flowers
- Rose Mallow
- Rose Papale
- Rose Trémière
- Rosin Rose
- Royal Jasmine
- Russian Licorice
- Régalissse
- Réglisse Déglycyrrhisée
- Réglisse Espagnole
- Réglisse Russe
- Sable Épine
- Sadgrantha
- Saffron Marigold
- Salade de Taupe
- Salsaparilha
- Salsepareille
- Salsepareille d'Europe
- Salsepareille du Honduras
- Salsepareille du Mexique
- Samento
- Sanguinary
- Sarsa
- Sarsae Radix
- Sarsaparilla
- Sarsaparilla Root
- Sarsaparillae Radix
- Sarsaparillewurzel
- Sasa japonica
- Saute-Buisson
- Saynt Johannes Wort
- Scented Fern
- Seiyou Ringo
- Sen
- Sena Alejandrina
- Senna alexandrina
- Sennae Folium
- Sennae Fructus
- Sennosides
- Sent-Bon
- Serpolet
- Serpyllum
- Shadgrandha
- Shanzha
- Shatvarvika
- Shen Jiang
- Shen Zha
- Sheng Jiang
- Shepherd's Thyme
- Shi Chang Pu
- Shoga
- Shokyo
- Shunthi
- Siberian Ginseng
- Siberian Ginseng Root
- Small Nettle
- Smilax
- Smilax Aristolochaefolia
- Smilax Aristolochiaefolii
- Smilax aristolochiifolia
- Smilax china
- Smilax febrifuga
- Smilax medica
- Smilax officinalis
- Smilax ornate
- Smilax regelii
- Soldier's Wound Wort
- Souci Africain
- Souci Aztèque
- Souci Français
- Souci Mexicain
- Sourcil de Vénus
- Spanish Jasmine
- Spanish Licorice
- Spiraea ulmaria
- Spiraeae Flos
- Spireae Herba
- Spirée Ulmaire
- Srungavera
- Staunchweed
- Stinging Nettle
- Stinging Nettles
- Stinking Willie
- Stinking-Roger
- Subholz
- Suikazura
- Sunth
- Sunthi
- Sussholz
- Sweet
- Sweet Calamus
- Sweet Calomel
- Sweet Cane
- Sweet Cinnamon
- Sweet Dreams
- Sweet Flag
- Sweet Grass
- Sweet Myrtle
- Sweet Root
- Sweet Rush
- Sweet Sedge
- Sweet Weed
- Swine Snout
- Séne d'Inde
- Séné
- Séné d'Alexandrie
- Séné d'Egypte
- Séné de Tinnevelly
- Taconnet
- Tagar
- Tagar-Ganthoda
- Tagara
- Tagetes
- Tagète
- Tanaceto
- Tanacetum boreale
- Tanacetum vulgare
- Tanaisie
- Tanaisie Commune
- Tanaisie Vulgaire
- Tansy
- Tansy Flower
- Tansy Herb
- Tansy Herb Cut
- Taraxaci Herba
- Taraxacum
- Taraxacum dens-leonis
- Taraxacum laevigatum
- Taraxacum mongolicum
- Taraxacum officinale
- Taraxacum sinicum
- Taraxacum vulgare
- Tarhaomenapuu
- Tatuaba
- Tausendaugbram
- tea
- tea ingredient
- Thorny Burr
- Thousand-Leaf
- Thym de Bergère
- Thym des Jardins
- Thym Sauvage
- Thym Serpolet
- Thym à Feuilles Étroites
- Thymus serpyllum
- Thé Rooibos
- Thé Rouge
- Tinnevelly Senna
- Tipton Weed
- Tomillo Silvestre
- Trichilia catigua
- True Senna
- Tuffahh
- Turkish Licorice
- Tussilage
- Tussilage Pas d'Âne
- Tussilago farfara
- Té Rojo
- Té Rojo Rooibos
- Tête de Moine
- Ugragandha
- Ulmaria
- Uncaria guianensis
- Uncaria tomentosa
- Ural Licorice
- Urtica
- urtica dioica
- Urtica urens
- Urticae Herba et Folium
- Urticae Radix.
- Uña de Caballo
- Uña de Gato
- Vach
- Vacha
- Vachha
- Vadaja
- Vaj
- Valerian
- Valerian Root
- Valeriana
- Valeriana angustifolia
- Valeriana officinalis
- Valeriana Rhizome
- Valerianae Radix
- Valeriane
- Valériane Commune
- Valériane des Collines
- Valériane Dioïque
- Valériane du Jardin
- Valériane Officinale
- Valériane Sauvage
- Valériane à Petites Feuilles
- Vasa
- Vash
- Vashambu
- Vayambu
- Vayambur
- Vekhand
- Vilayati Afsanteen
- vilcacora
- Violet
- Violet Mallow
- virus
- Vishvabheshaja
- Waan-Nam
- Weissdorn
- Wermut
- Wermutkraut
- Western Wormwood
- Whitehorn
- whole ginger root
- whole root
- Wild Angelica
- Wild Endive
- Wild Parsnip
- Woodbine
- Wound Wort
- Wurmkraut
- Wymote
- Yadake
- Yarrow Essential Oil
- Yashti-Madhu
- Yashti-Madhuka
- Yashtimadhu
- Zarzaparrilla
- Zhi Gan Cao
- Zingiber officinale
- Zingiberis Rhizoma
- Zingiberis Siccatum Rhizoma
- Zinzeberis
- Zinziber Officinale
- Zinziber Officinalis.
- Äppel
- Äppelträd